Important free software's for windows 10
1) Defraggler
Faster Computer
Defraggler speeds up your PC by assembling fragmented files on your machine and organizing them more efficiently. Defraggler does the hard work, so your computer doesn’t have to.
Safe and Secure
Defrag with confidence. Defraggler uses the same techniques as Windows to read and write files, so your files will never be damaged.
Defrag free space
Defrag free space on your drive and not just your files. A proactive solution that helps prevent fragmentation before it occurs.
Full customization
You have full control over which drives, folders, and files you defrag. Or simply use the default settings and let Defraggler do the work for you. Simple enough for everyday users and flexible enough for advanced users.
Scheduled defragmentation
Defragment while you sleep – and wake up with a faster PC. Set Defraggler to run daily, weekly, or monthly.
2) CCleaner
Get more from your PCs
CCleaner speeds up computers, frees up hard disk space, and extends the life of your hardware estate. Save on IT support costs with proactively optimized PCs.
Protect your business data
Keep your company's data private and prevent data theft. CCleaner securely erases files, tracking cookies, browser history, passwords, and sensitive files.
Safe & secure software you can trust
Our software is tested to the highest standards and is trusted by millions of business users including many FTSE 100 companies.